psj building800x320pxP.S.J. Consultant Co., Ltd., or PSJ,  was founded in 1989, specializing in the design, installation and maintenance of lighting, electrical, and security systems. The focus on commercial and including professional skills of which can be seen mostly in historical sites, such as royal palaces, has led to the company becoming recognized as a leader in this field with a strong reputation for high professional standards, quality control, and customer satisfaction.

Ten years ago, the company foresaw the need to actively promote energy saving and cost efficiency, by introducing to new Non Critical Wave Intersection Technology (N.C.W.I.),  which permits variable control of power consumption by discharge lamps (e.g. sodium, mercury vapor, fluorescent).  PSJ, having gained considerable experience with this equipment, introduced a number of innovations, including multi-step timers, and remote wireless controls. This close collaboration with the sole manufacturer of the equipment,  has led to a merger in 2010, with the new name P.S.J. Energy Save Company Limited.

The company’s products are marked under the brand name “PSJ Energy Save” Not only isN.C.W.I. the only technology compatible with both high and low pressure discharge lamps, but the use of sophisticated high-grade components ensures that precise control is combined with reliability and durability. The units are compact and easily installed, both as a new build or retro-fit.

The company plans to capitalize on these advantages in an increasingly cost and energy conscious world, by expanding both domestically and abroad. Extra production facilities are being constructed, and an international business development program is underway. The immediate goal is to raise awareness and understanding of this new technology, and an information/education program is being prepared. The potential for future growth globally is exponential, and the company intends to remain the leader of N.C.W.I. technology.


To deliver the benefits of our innovative N.C.W.I. energy saving technology to the mindset possible customer base

To become the leading global provider of discharge lamp energy saving technology